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Thursday, March 5, 2009


The truth that refuses to surface
Posted by admin
Thursday, 05 March 2009 08:34

In my sedition trial, Superintendent Gan Tack Guan just refuses to reply to YB Gobind Singh Deo’s questions as to how and why Altantuya Shaaribuu was killed and whether someone had paid Azilah and Sirul to kill her. Gan also refuses to confirm whether C4 was used to blow up her body after she was killed. Gan, in fact, says it was not C4 and he does not know what type of explosive was used. Today, Malaysia Today will reveal the truth that Gan refuses to reveal in my trial.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The Altantuya Shaaribuu’s case: how and why she was killed
Published in the Liberation French newspaper on 5th March 2009

This is the English translation of the Liberation French article:

Shaaribuu Setev is a bitter and disappointed man. Yet, behind the saddened face of this Mongolian lies a fierce determination. Seated in a sofa in the lobby of an Ulaan Baataar hotel rattled by gushes of a freezing wind, this sixty years old man is ready to fight. His face features, hardened by the suffering and the stern climate, and his intense gaze tell all. “My daughter has been murdered by Malaysians on Malaysian territory. And they did not have even offer a word of apology,” states this professor of psychology at the National University of Mongolia.

The assassination of his daughter, Altantuya Shaaribuu, took place in October 2006. This was a murder unlike others in a region where business conflicts or petty politics are often settled with a gun. Everything in this case, which started in 2002 when the French Spanish company Armaris concluded the sale of three submarines to the Malaysian government for the amount of one billion Euros, is out of the ordinary.

The impact of the “Altantuya case” in France, Malaysia and Mongolia has yet to reach its climax. The murder of the 28 year old Mongolian was the result of a “commission” at the price of 114 million Euros by Armaris to its Malaysian counterpart. This “commission,” which was acknowledged by the Malaysian government in front of the Parliament in Kuala Lumpur, has triggered a chain of events that has led to the assassination of Altantuya and the disappearance of several key witnesses in the case.

A report from the Malaysian police, written on 19th november 2006 and which has been kept secret until now (can be read below), reveals dry and precise descriptions as to how this young woman, a member of Asian high society, has been killed. In this document, one of the killers, a policeman of the Malaysian Special Branch named Sirul Omar, replied to the questions of an officer at a police station close to the murder scene. “When the Chinese woman saw that I was taking a gun, she begged me to spare her, saying she was pregnant. Azilah (the commanding officer of Sirul) grabbed her and [threw] her on the ground. I immediately shot the left side of her face. Then Azilah took off her clothes and put them in a black plastic bag. Azilah noticed that her hand was still moving. He ordered me to shoot again, which I did”, said Sirul. This is the first confirmation of Altantuya’s assassins’ identity. “Then we carried her body into the woods. Azilah wrapped the explosives around her legs, her abdomen and her head, and we exploded her.”

The revelation of this report in the French newspaper Liberation is the latest chapter in this colourful and dramatic saga featuring French weapon sellers, Mongolian Shaman, and Malaysian politicians. This case is explosive not only for the Malaysian government, since the deputy Prime minister Najib Razak (who is scheduled to become Prime minister at the end of March) is suspected of having links to the case, but also because it could embarrass the DCNS, this French company specialising in military shipbuilding. The French Spanish company Armaris, which sold two Scorpène and one Agosta submarines to Malaysia in June 2002, was bought by DCNS in 2007.

With her magnetic beauty and sophistication, Altantuya is reminiscent of the troubling image of a Far East Mata Hari. She grew up in Saint Petersburg (Russia), then studied at the Institute of Economic Management in Beijing. Besides speaking English, she is fluent in Russian, Chinese and Korean. The fateful cycle for Altantuya came into gear when she met Abdul Razak Baginda in Hong Kong in 2004. Baginda is a security expert and the director of the Malaysian Strategic Research Centre, a pro-government think-tank. The two quickly became romantically involved. Altantuya, nicknamed Tuya by her friends, proved to be a useful assistant, helping Baginda translate from Russian to English.

Whereas Altantuya is young and beautiful, the rich and alluring Baginda is a well known figure of the Kuala Lumpur’s elite, notably because of his proximity to the Malaysian Deputy Prime minister and minister of Defense Najib Razak (he is also his security affairs adviser). Baginda parades in the most exclusive circles of Kuala Lumpur, sometimes accompanied by his legitimate wife.

In March 2005, Altantuya and Baginda departed for Europe, touring France, Germany, Italy and Portugal in the red Ferrari of Baginda, staying in posh hotels and dining in the finest restaurants of the old Continent. This trip, however, was not only for tourism: the contract for the sale of the submarines had been signed in 2002, but important details had yet to be settled. “We knew that Baginda was used by Deputy Prime minister Najib Razak as an intermediary for weapons systems deals, especially the high level ones,” says a regional security affairs expert.

At the end of March 2005 the couple was in Paris, where they met with Najib Razak. A picture shows the threesome in a Parisian private club. “Tuya showed me the pix. She said that one of the men was her boyfriend, Abdul Razak Baginda, and the other the “big boss”, Najib Razak. I asked her if they were brothers because of the names, but she said no, and that Najib Razak was the ‘prime minister’”, said Amy, Altantuya’s best friend (Najib Razak has sworn on the Koran that he has never met Altantuya). According to a private detective, now in hiding in India, the beautiful Tuya was also the occasional mistress of the deputy Prime minister, who was introduced to her by Baginda at the end of 2004.

The story became dramatic when, in October 2006, Altantuya was informed that the commission paid by the French-Spanish company Armaris had arrived on a Kuala Lumpur bank account. It had been paid to Perimekar, a company owned by Baginda. Altantuya rushed to Kuala Lumpur, in order to claim her share of the commission from Baginda ; she said she was entitled to 500,000 dollars. Baginda and Altantuya broke up prior to this. A jealous Rosmah Mansor, the feared businesswoman and wife of Najib Razak, objected any payment to Altantuya. Altantuya arrived in Kuala Lumpur with two other Mongolian women, one of them was a Shaman responsible for putting a spell on Baginda if he refused to pay. For several days, Altantuya harassed her ex-lover.

On the 18th of October, Baginda could no longer tolerate the daily scenes made by Altantuya in front of his house. He contacted the Director of the Special Branch, Musa Safrie, who happened to also be Najib Razak’s aide de camp. On October 19th, 2006, a little before 9 pm, two police officers of the Special Branch, Azilah Hadridan and Sirul Omar, were sent in front of Baginda’s house where Altantuya was gesticulating and shouting. They had the order of “neutralising the Chinese woman.” They kidnapped her, and drove her ten kilometers away and shot her several times. Then, they destroyed her body with C4 explosives, a type which can only be obtained from within the Defense Ministry. Her entry into Malaysia was erased from the immigration records. It would appear that Altantuya had never come to Malaysia, because there is no trace left of her.

There is no perfect crime. The taxi driver hired by Altantuya for the day did not appreciate that his passenger was kidnapped under his eyes without payment for the fare. He took note of the registration plate of the kidnapper’s car and filed a complaint at the local police station. In a few days, the police identified the car and realised that it was a government vehicle.

Events unfolded that even the Deputy Prime minister Najib Razak could not impede. He tried to cover the case. A few hours before the arrest of Baginda, he sent him a SMS: “I will see the Inspector General of Police at 11 am today… The problem will be solved. Be cool”. A few hours after, Baginda was arrested as well as the two police officers of the Special Branch, Azilah and Sirul.

After a trial considered dubious by many observers, Baginda was acquitted with the accusation of having ordered the murder and released in November 2008. Accused of having perpetrated the murder, Azilah and Sirul appeared in front of the Court last month. If convicted, their sentence is death. The verdict is scheduled for the 9th of April.

Thousands of miles from there, in the Mongolian capital city Ulaan Baataar, Shaaribuu Setev, Altantuya’s father, is trying to control his anger. To him and his family, the acquittal and release of Baginda is symbolic of the unfairness of the Malaysian judicial process: “The Malaysian government is not even answering to the letters from the Mongolian Foreign Affairs Ministry,” he says.

When Shaaribuu came to the Malaysian Parliament to meet Najib Razak, the Deputy Prime minister had to escape through a back door in order to avoid an embarrassing encounter. The Altantuya case has become a key element of the Malaysian political game between Najib Razak (who is expected to become Prime Minister after the United Malay Nation Organisation (UMNO) Congress in March) and the opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. So far, Najib Razak has navigated around the obstacles, but the murder of the young Mongolian remains a sword suspended over his head.

One of the most obscure aspects of the Altantuya case is the role of the Armaris company. In October 2007, the Malaysian Deputy Defense minister, Zainal Abdidin Zin, acknowledged in front of the Parliament that Armaris had effectively paid 114 million Euros in commission to Perimekar. He maintained that it was not a bribe, but a payment for “support and coordination services.”

Was there corruption as in the case of the Taiwanese frigates in which the French DCNS was also implicated? DCNS, a private company with public financing, has declined our request for a meeting. “Nobody can comment on this case,” was the sober reply of the DCNS Press relations officer in Paris. A document, which could establish a link between Altantuya and the French company is the guarantee letter written by Abdul Razak Baginda so that his mistress could obtain a visa to enter the Schengen zone (of whom France is a member country). The French embassy could not refuse this service to a man decorated with the Legion d’Honneur. But the role of Altantuya in the submarines negotiations is still not clear. Intelligence agencies find her background intriguing and the Russian FSB (ex-KGB) is following closely the case.

In Ulaan Baataar, Mungunshagai, the eldest son of Altantuya, who is 12 years old, is traumatised by the death of his mother. Altanshagai, the youngest, who is five years old and mentally handicapped, has not understood that he will never see again his mother. “He is asking for her all the time and is staying the whole day prostrated on his chair. Every evening, I bring him sweets and I tell him that his mother gave it to me for him”, says Shaaribuu Setev, the grandfather of the two boys. As for Baginda, he settled down in the United Kingdom with his family. He never uttered a word of regret on the deadly fate of the one who shared his life for two years.

Arnaud Dubus (in Kuala Lumpur, Ulaan Baataar and Paris)

Arnaud did extensive research into this story and travelled the world in search of the truth. I met him in Kuala Lumpur soon after my release from ISA detention after he returned from Mongolia.

This is the original cautioned statement that Sirul Azhar Omar made in the interrogation by the police on 19 November 2006 that confirms not only how and why Altantuya was killed but also that they were hired to kill her:

Comments (117)
written by orangmsia, March 05, 2009 09:08:37

Najis is a killer and he is not fit to become PM!
report abusedisagree 13agree 848...
written by AzizKadir2u, March 05, 2009 09:10:48

saya tak kenal dia siapa Altantuya, inilah Malaysia Boleh, Tuhan ada mata ? Altantuya Hilang, Bala Hilang, Wang Ehsan hilang, duit submarine hilang, duit wang Eurocopter hilang ? ini malaysia ? ini malaysia yang kita mahu ? mana maruah ? mereka boleh buat immigration record hilang, macam macam hilang, ? Paklah macam mana kamu boleh tidur ? suspect disana sini ? semua ini info, lagi boleh jadi PM ? Paklah ???? tolong, tolong buat sesuatu yang baik dan patut untuk malaysia ? kamu tak boleh pergi begitu saja, kamu Paklah boleh sekarang juga, buat Najib di lokap, put an investigation, royal comission, untill the truth come out. kita mesti buat sesuatu, tak boleh semua ini buat begitu saja...Allah ada, Allah tak akan ................ the god has eye, we all will see how those commit crime and those try to fool the world, they will get their day, paklah sila buat sesuatu. kita rakyat mahu justice. justice, or else we are the laughing stalk. rakyat mahu justice...
report abusedisagree 8agree 602...
written by mountain man, March 05, 2009 09:18:11

A disgrace to his father and all Malaysians, no matter what he cannot cleanse himself of the guilt which will live with him forever, GOD IS GREAT. AAB please do something within your powers to prevent a hardcore criminal from ascending the throne and office of will be equally guilty for not stopping this from happening, the RAKYAT is fully behind you forget about those UMNO morons who elbow you to a corner to give up your power.
report abusedisagree 7agree 388...
written by Thandal, March 05, 2009 09:19:33

Bet my last Ringgit that nothing will come out of this. Najis will be PM at the end of month, the 2 cops released because of insufficient evidence, Insp. Gan will receive a promotion for a job well done, good old Pete will be sent to Kamunting, and Boleh-land will go into a recession. Allah please help us.
report abusedisagree 16agree 420...
written by teo siew chin, March 05, 2009 09:21:59

WHO is the father of the child she is pregnant with?
WHO gave the order to 'neutralise' her?

A heinous heinous crime.
report abusedisagree 3agree 284...
written by murali, March 05, 2009 09:23:48

Saying again, No Najib for PM unless he comes clean of all the links between him and Altantuya and lot of other allegations of corruptions. We dont want the country just being handed over to dogs on a golden plate. Who is behind Azilah and Sirul? who is behind Baginda? What happened to Alntantuya's imigration records? Baginda during the last press conference said he is continuing his studies in UK.. So he is not coming back after all? Is Azilah and Sirul will be freed also?

The police force/SB have contract killers in their squad!

What is Rosma's rolein this?

It is really very sad that our country's name is being damaged internationally with this allegations. Any decent man with a slight indication of dignity in him would have quit a long time ago or atleast will try to come clean i.e. if he is clean.
report abusedisagree 3agree 240...
written by lamakawan, March 05, 2009 09:25:52

Good on you, orangmsia. And he is also a bloodsucker too !!!!
There are many proofs on him. The latest is a statutory declaration of how he sucks blood from the opposition whenever and wherever he sees fit !!!
report abusedisagree 2agree 97...
written by raven1958, March 05, 2009 09:26:09

Two dumb policemen generated by Bolehlands Education system who had no conscience nor respect for the rule of law....executed a defenseless pregnant woman and blew her body to pieces using explosives bought with tax payer's money. We are all guilty of this crime but.....Azilah, Sirul, etc should hang for this murder.

The Malay is no more that gentleman of the East. The Brits may have cultured him ....but after 1957 they have reverted to their lanun roles....
report abusedisagree 5agree 162...
written by ROBERTNGTG, March 05, 2009 09:26:16

In my sedition trial, Superintendent Gan Tack Guan just refuses to reply to YB Gobind Singh Deo’s questions as to how and why Altantuya Shaaribuu was killed and whether someone had paid Azilah and Sirul to kill her. Gan also refuses to confirm whether C4 was used to blow up her body after she was killed. Gan, in fact, says it was not C4 and he does not know what type of explosive was used. Today, Malaysia Today will reveal the truth that Gan refuses to reveal in my trial.

report abusedisagree 1agree 174...
written by asiana888, March 05, 2009 09:26:19

Wow! Now, the whole world knows our in-coming PM is involved in this case and yet dare to swear by the Quran that he has NEVER met the woman. Maybe, the French Newspaper (better still TIMES magazine) publish the said 'threesome' picture taken in Paris.

In Malaysia, when it comes to deciding a legitimate state government we use Judges, when it comes to murder case we use Politicians???? Apa sudah jadi, deh?!
report abusedisagree 3agree 163...
written by Thian, March 05, 2009 09:26:35


We knows who kill her well at this the one 'who called the shot'. We also have no doubt it is a cover-up by the Special Unit, the police and the AG to protect some individual. We know this kangaroo trial is designed for a particular outcome...

No justice, No truth, No Law, No Morality, No ... everything that is Good. Malaysia has spiral backward to a country without Law.

The people who are guilty are running the country. They are suppressing the people will, their aspiration and their future for their own selfish shameless greed.

They know and they know you know, they don't care.

They don't even care about the next election becoz they know they can subvert the election through poll rigging; and more likely impose emergency rule.

They know you cannot do anything about it. There are many balls polisher gladly to do their bidding.

It all started and boiled down to some people in UMNO decided to hijacked the country in 1969 to claim it as theirs only.

The problem with exclusive thinking (and STUPIDITY) has no limit. Finally it is about pure short sighted narrow selfish greed. Unfortunately, there is always such people who buys into it.

report abusedisagree 2agree 121...
written by KweN, March 05, 2009 09:29:26


report abusedisagree 1agree 87...
written by asiana888, March 05, 2009 09:29:49

I just got a feeling .... perhaps Pak Lah will arrest the killer on the day of UMNO Assembly! Wouldn't that be a great stroke of genius.Like that UMNO restored, BN will get back landslide victory in next GE and KLCI will roar to 2,000 points!


Sorry - too much coffee this morning!
report abusedisagree 11agree 106...
written by hellosunshine, March 05, 2009 09:34:07

In any civilized country, the tainted politician would have resigned in disgrace and some in Japan would have committed hara kiri for bringing shame to king, country and family but not in bolehland. All his opponents had better 'sai lor yau' (wash backside) and get ready for his tsunami after March. What a joke!
report abusedisagree 0agree 73...
written by lamakawan, March 05, 2009 09:34:08

The whole world will shun Malaysians. Any Malaysian passport holder who goes to another country will be ridiculed by the host country. They would shout , " Here comes another uncivilised being from Malaysia. "
report abusedisagree 3agree 81...
written by wongnoball, March 05, 2009 09:34:38

PDRM = (Pembunuh Dera Rakyat Mati) = Regim Ganas Kejam UMNO = TERRORIST

We Malaysian have been Battling these PDRM terrorist from way before the days of Anwar getting Assulted. A DPM gets a Royal Commission. Kugan & the other Dead - No royal Commission, just collateral damage. Tun Dr. Munafik led the TREND. Now giving lecture in London.

Wake up Malaysian, we are dealing with powerful people with Guns & the Whole Arsenal of Wepons of Mass Destruction.

I hope all those Pakatan states start kicking a STINK and Change State Constitution where there is a Commissioner of Police for each Respective State NOT UNDER THE Jurisdiction of Federal Police. Like Australia or Even Better Like USA, We vote in the Police Chief for each state and let them serve the People!..Kelantan tunggu APA?? Use your 2/3 majority for something for goodness sake for a better Malaysia!!

We need to Keep Doing more to DISRUPT the Evil Network Crime of regim ganas kejam UMNO-BN.
report abusedisagree 0agree 79...
written by non conformist, March 05, 2009 09:35:19

Genesis 9:6 "Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man."

They who pull the trigger to rob the Mongolian woman of her life, and him who hired them to do so, SHOULD ALL forfeit their lives.
report abusedisagree 0agree 63...
written by malsia1206, March 05, 2009 09:36:49

Maybe Shaaribuu never consider his other optional course of natural justice avenue. If Baginda is now in United Kingdom, he could still be traced. If the Malaysian Courts could not be relied upon to dispense elementary justice, surely there is always this other option available on hand.
report abusedisagree 0agree 59...
written by ChiaCY, March 05, 2009 09:38:14

Najib did not swear he doesn't know Altantuya or Aminah. He sweared that he doesn't know THAT MONGOLIAN WOMAN!

report abusedisagree 1agree 75...
written by kooler, March 05, 2009 09:38:44

This is straight out of Macbeth. To cover up the pleasures of their little appendages, they murdered a pregnant woman and they have got away with it so far. If this is the skewed justice system of Malaysia, I hang my head in shame. And to think that one of them wants to be PM, so all traces of the crime will be wiped out? Its a travesty of Allah's Law.
report abusedisagree 2agree 59...
written by Zym Zym, March 05, 2009 09:39:21

Oh...he didn't tell us the whole truth after all. What about the part that they took turn to (leave it to your imagination) her???
report abusedisagree 1agree 49...
written by Rundukon, March 05, 2009 09:40:59

Let the Truth be Told. Subpeoned Najib to testify during RPK's sedition trial.
report abusedisagree 0agree 57...
written by temenggong, March 05, 2009 09:46:52

That's a confession! Azilah and Sirul are dead. Who were they acting for? Who promised them RM50,000? Only Azilah knows.

This still does not tie Najib to the murder.
report abusedisagree 5agree 54...
written by OVERLORD, March 05, 2009 09:54:15

Dear Pete
just my two cents worth....
This is not a perfect crime...It is flawed in many areas as there was many mistakes performed by the murderers....If that is the case, there are bound to be other evidence to go with this statement for instance what happened to the taxi driver? Where is the CCTV footage of Sirul filling Petrol at the petrol station? How about the Hotel Malaya CCTV images? Even the smart tag toll would have a time stamp when he used the highway...There are still unanswered question of how he obtained the MP5s,C4,and who were the officers responsible for approving those weapons....

The crux of this whole event lies with Najib....and I fear this evidence isn't sufficient to implicate him....the statement only reinforce that Sirul and Tuan Azilah as the henchman.....What will be truly damning is the pictures of Najib with Althanthuya and Razak Baginda which was shown to her best friend Amy...Other evidence would be the transaction between Razak Baginda and AMARIS, Hotel CCTV footages when they were holidaying in Europe....

There should be more investigative action taken against the French company who deals with Malaysia....This is not a local investigation only and should be treated as an international effort. I agree the evidence given through the statement would be detrimental for those directly involved in disposing of the body.However, if would not be sufficient to prosecute Najib as it has failed to provide sufficient links of the murder with him......

Najib lives on another day, but the noose is tighthening around his neck...
report abusedisagree 2agree 90...
written by timmy, March 05, 2009 09:54:29

So RPK, back to your statuary Declaration you made.

1. This somehow proves that DPM wife not at the scene.

How do you explain that one?
report abusedisagree 2agree 59...
written by Bigjoe99, March 05, 2009 09:59:30

WOW! This is from Libe??? Its a pretty decent size paper controlled by the Rothschild family not some fringe one..
report abusedisagree 0agree 23...
written by Alice, March 05, 2009 09:59:50

Wow life seems to be good for Baginda......
The wicked seems to prosper....

I believe it will all be short lived and God will step in soon....Let us wait patiently and pray...
report abusedisagree 1agree 42...
written by malgal, March 05, 2009 10:02:35

With or without this revelation, it is still MURDER MOST FOUL.
are we a country without conscience to sweep it under our carpet?
report abusedisagree 0agree 31...
written by nextgyouth, March 05, 2009 10:03:08

If you believe in God be it whatever religion, and in Karma; those involed will all have their day of reckoning- from the person who deleted the immigration records, to Supt Gan to Razak and to all those ALLEGEDLY involved.... you can run, manipulate the law, cover it up, blow it up....but when you sleep at night remember what God giveth God can taketh away.... you'd better sleep with one eye open because anywhere, anytime your day of reckoning can be upon you !~!
report abusedisagree 0agree 42...
written by chaiksyn, March 05, 2009 10:05:08

alamak....very spooky!
report abusedisagree 0agree 15...
written by educationist, March 05, 2009 10:06:07

The truth be told.
But here in Malaysia, it'll not make any difference.
It still look like those who ordered those 2 glorified murderers to pull the trigger will get waway with it.
report abusedisagree 0agree 27...
written by BennyG, March 05, 2009 10:09:32

Hey, the French Article is seditious. Could the BN Gov't sue the pants off the writer, editor & publisher? They should have the trial in Malaysia (by now the whole world knows that the very top guy is corrupt & a (husband of) murderer /at least an accomplice) in Federal court (where UMNO never lose a case) where all the estimated (biased) judges are handpicked (by UMNO).

Errr...since the article is published in France, they must have the suit in France. If they do file a suit, all the real intelligence report will surface. Could UMNO or specifically Najis take this risk?

What say u, our Foreign Minister and our Home Minister? Why so quiet? Say something so that the whole world could confirm what idiots both of u are!
report abusedisagree 1agree 69...
written by teohpg, March 05, 2009 10:16:57

we demand the following list of ppl be execute and not spared!

- AG
- prosecuting lawyer
- all the investigation officer involved and IGP
- all imigration officer and DG
- judges
- and the long list goes on...

They shall not be pardoned unless they admit to their crime of covering up!
report abusedisagree 1agree 67...
written by smalluncle, March 05, 2009 10:21:25

Well. Its really gruesome job. How on earth men with religious believe can do this and yet have a good sleep after that?

By the way, Dear RPK, where does the Bunga Ros come in play? She's not at the scene in the above confession?

Ahha, part II coming, is it?
report abusedisagree 0agree 42...
written by DezMalaysia, March 05, 2009 10:22:03

IF the above statement cannot link the murder to Najib Razak, at least it links to RAZAK BAGINDA ! RAZAK BAGINDA MUST BE SEND TO THE GALLOWS !

report abusedisagree 0agree 47...
written by Angela Ooi, March 05, 2009 10:23:33

So will this corrupt evil govt allow these murderers to go scot free? I think so.
Till date we have not seen the faces of these evil murderers, how is the court/public going to idendify them when they are always covered up? The court can sentence them to death and the public would not know any better if 2 drug addicts/dead bodies are paraded 'after being hanged' Everyone knows Malaysia boleh mah!
report abusedisagree 1agree 32...
written by DezMalaysia, March 05, 2009 10:24:28

report abusedisagree 5agree 268...
written by AIS, March 05, 2009 10:26:16

This writing posted on 5 march Malaysian time at 08:34. The mentioned article was supposed to be on la liberation 5 march (same day). Searched for the original version but could not find it. Then again, it's only slightly after midnite on 5th march in France at the time of this posting, it would be odd if this edition is already out....
Saw another article of Arnaud Dubus on the subject but nothing revealing there, just mostly a re-collection of events....
report abusedisagree 4agree 16...
written by Anyone, March 05, 2009 10:46:35

Even if the Malaysian no-law and dis-order officials do nothing about this - and they won't, except maybe issue a warrant of arrest for the Liberation reporter, after which MACC will investigate him for abuse of pen and paper - it doesn't matter.

Make sure everyone reads this news report and remembers it. Email it, fax it. Obama must have his personal copy. Likewise Brown. Ban Ki Moon. Al Saud. Al Sabah. Etc.

Shout it from the mountain tops. Sing it from the valleys. They may not be in jail. But make sure that they are NEVER EVER FREE. For God's sake, recover what little is left of our dignity. For the sake of the country, the religion our children.
report abusedisagree 2agree 26...
written by justice, March 05, 2009 10:47:25

report abusedisagree 2agree 249...
written by Wudan, March 05, 2009 10:50:29

Sawadee karp phi Nom Phot, Azilah 'cautioned statement' yu mai? Kho khung karp mak.
report abusedisagree 0agree 12...
written by adan, March 05, 2009 10:57:40

I wonder .. are we living in this beautiful country.. or are we living in hell surrounded by demons and devils ..??
report abusedisagree 1agree 30...
written by *****, March 05, 2009 10:58:00

nothin mentioned about the army personals and the lady...
report abusedisagree 0agree 14...
written by hiro, March 05, 2009 10:59:12

I don't get it. The only crime that Najib seems to have committed, reading the article and the police statement, is Najib knew Altantuya. So since he swore on Quran he did not, if in fact he did, he'll go to hell that's all.

The police statement also did not indicate the presence of Rosmah, though the article alludes to her refusing to give money to Altantuya.

I mean, isn't there a stretch of imagination to link Najib directly as in giving the order to kill Altantuya? It seems that more clearly, Baginda may have been the culprit who paid those UTK guys to dispose of her. Any other links are purely conjecture.

Might be best if RPK fill in the gaps.
report abusedisagree 7agree 21...
written by PangurBan, March 05, 2009 11:00:22

written by AIS, March 05, 2009 10:26:16
This writing posted on 5 march Malaysian time at 08:34. The mentioned article was supposed to be on la liberation 5 march (same day). Searched for the original version but could not find it. Then again, it's only slightly after midnite on 5th march in France at the time of this posting, it would be odd if this edition is already out....
Go to this webpage:
It's a blurb that came out on Wednesday telling readers of the Libération website what's coming out in the print edition of the paper today. One of the items highlighted in the blurb is this:
"L’étrange affaire du meurtre d’une interprète mongole qui gêne le pouvoir en Malaisie."
Translation: "The strange affair of the murder of a Mongolian interpreter which is embarassing the authorities in Malaysia."

The article doesn't seem to appear on the website.
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written by Margeemar, March 05, 2009 11:05:12

Najib caught with the 'smoking gun'?...More htp://
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written by Syah, March 05, 2009 11:09:12

Whatever said and done, Abdullah Badawi as the PM of Malaysia has an inherent duty to establish the truth to provide justice. It is his responsibility which he has to answer God in the Hereafter. Malaysians urge Pak Lah to dispense justice NOW, irrespective who the victim and the accused are......Remember, for God is watching all that His servants do..........
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written by Counterpointer, March 05, 2009 11:19:28

The news to read on Thursday in the Liberation Webpage as refered to by PangurBan says this:

"L’étrange affaire du meurtre d’une interprète mongole qui gêne le pouvoir en Malaisie."

Me speak no Frenchee, but with the help of an Online translator it translates to:

"The strange affair of the murder of a Mongolian interpreter who bothers power in Malaysia."

Yes, this is definitely in the paper. And the Liberation webpage has not been updated yet as the articles are still dated 4th March 2009.

And very soon we will be hearing Najis singing his favourite song, "I Swear" again.
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written by AIS, March 05, 2009 11:21:20

PangurBan, is published but out only 5th morning in France far only in promotional highlights for the incoming edition..MT is one step ahead la, siap dengan translation in English lagi.

The article will not appear on line as said on their web...boring la la liberation.
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written by Sterilizer, March 05, 2009 11:26:49

sounds like a chapter in pulp fiction, muthaf*cker
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written by Qcumber, March 05, 2009 11:29:48

Somehow I sensed something fishy about the cautioned statement of Sirul Azhar Omar. How did that original copy came out from the police station? and the language used, or am I just ignorant to how a cautioned statement is.
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written by pinsysu, March 05, 2009 11:31:51

so azilah was not having char-kuay-teow at the critical time afterall. and where's azilah's cautioned statement? how come the officer in charge din ask sirul the event leading up to the point where he stored the explosives at his home? a lot of vital info seems to be systematical omitted for obvious reasons.
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written by noyawns, March 05, 2009 11:42:38

Gruesome confession - Sirul & Azilah are toast!
But questions:
- doesn't strongly tie up Najib?
- it's also 5th March in France now, and this article is not there? I just checked; it's only 3.45am in Paris though
- where is Rose in all this? Not at the scene of the murder?
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written by shiokguy, March 05, 2009 11:42:46

**very shamefully**

Can someone translate the BM version of the text? Sorry My command of BM is quite limited and I am not proud about it. As a Malaysia who was born in 1965 in Sarawak, BM is not compulsory to pass then.

Talking about Sarawak, The upcoming By-election in Batang Ai or any of the 3 by-election in the Bukit should start using the indelible ink.

When I was a student in Sarawak, Long Lama. I was hired by BN parties to be a boatman to ferry voter around. Read about the detail about it here >>

Shiok Guy
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written by panca, March 05, 2009 11:50:09

written by Wudan, March 05, 2009 10:50:29
Sawadee karp phi Nom Phot, Azilah 'cautioned statement' yu mai? Kho khung karp mak.

Khun Wudan,

kun phoot arai na? kun rue mai Najis chorb gin 'hee' kor chorb gin 'hier', kaw jai mai?

wadee krap!
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written by gycgocnt, March 05, 2009 11:55:20

Come on, readers of Malaysia Today, download this essay and send out as many as you can, let the whole Malaysian and the whole world to get know of the truth. We cannot do anything to the killer but we can make people judge themselve...
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written by Oscar Winner, March 05, 2009 12:01:02

The vicious XMNO goons use racial and religious cards to hoodwink the ignorant. They hunger for power and money, and just have to utter these 4 powerful words "untuk bangsa, agama dan negara" and all the govt agencies will just follow instructions blindly, even c4 to make people disappear. Unless and until one day these idiots wake up and realise that we are all one human race, and that they have been misled by selfish, vicious and power-crazy politicians, we are not going to see an end to what these evil politicians will do to cling on to power
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written by minime, March 05, 2009 12:11:40

Dear Pete, you made a SD alleging that Rosmah was present during the blowing up incident, can you enlighten us on this.
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written by Chimera, March 05, 2009 12:12:25

Oh my god...They killed a mother , helpless woman in this way... They r not deserve to be hang...they r pennis deserved to be explode and they balls need to be shot.... ****ers!!!! These r devils.....
Those who r involved in this....will die like a street dog!!!!! Curse u!!! U will not die easily.....ur adneraline will make ur brain n dicks to explode... Tuuuuuuu!!!
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written by Anyone, March 05, 2009 12:14:06

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written by Chimera, March 05, 2009 12:22:34

RPK.....never leave us...n let this truth to b buried within 8 feet cells.....
God is wid u RPK!!!! May God Blesss U!!!!...
Let's Send The Altantuya Murder To HELL!!!.....Bastards!!
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written by smeagrooo, March 05, 2009 12:30:40

if Najis goes down, u dont think many ppl will follow him as well? He holds other ppl's dark secrets too and these ppl wouldnt want that to happen. So ion the end, case closed!

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written by joeawk, March 05, 2009 12:39:29

If her death is linked to the submarine, maybe someone can take up the case with the EC and let it carry on from there.

Malaysia will be in deep shit because of the submarine deal and more truth will have to surface.

It is not done yet and it is getting more intrigueing
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written by Cozy, March 05, 2009 12:45:22

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written by Stech49, March 05, 2009 12:49:01

is there more in the cautioned statement which has not been released yet?
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written by timberguy, March 05, 2009 12:51:22

Dear RPK, God bless you for this article. Another thing which we would like to know is what happened to more than RM400 million that was confirmed paid to Perimekar. Has Perimekar paid the tax? Has the money left the country and on what pretext Bank Negara allowed it? If the whole amount has not been credited into Perimekar's accounts in KL, where was it paid to? Some information coming out of France say that a part of commission was paid to accounts controlled by Rosmah Mansour. Can somebody dig out information on financials of Perimekar?
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written by Macrophage, March 05, 2009 13:05:12

Notification from the French site that the paper can be purchased online in PDF format for 1.30 Euro.

The purchasing process is in French though. You may want to get a French literate person to help you out.

The story you all KPCs are interested in would be:
The one last in the list.
L’étrange affaire du meurtre d’une interprète mongole qui gêne le pouvoir en Malaisie.
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written by arazak, March 05, 2009 13:10:54

After reading the above article that would appear in the French newspaper today and the confession statement by "Tuya's" killer, I am still puzzle with Big Fat Mama.

Why couldn't she just consent with the RM500k translation fee to Tuya? Afterall, she has got all the money her husband stole from the rakyaat in the form of the half-billion ringggit "commission" through the sale of Scorpane (and Sukhoi too!).

Could it be concluded that it was not just the money, but because of jealousy? Why than should she be jealous to Tuya? Was there an affair that Big Fat Mama came to know?

These questions, I will leve you readers to figure them out?
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written by bambolero, March 05, 2009 13:25:29

Sawadee karp,
Pratet Malaysia maimee kotmai liau, took haeng took yang maidee liau.Thamruat tangmot ba liau maidee. Pom auo pai non liau.
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written by joejoe, March 05, 2009 13:42:07

Based on this news article, could it not be escalated into a police investigation in France of the submarine supplier because offering bribes is illegal in France. This will lead to the proof that Najis did know Tuya.

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written by EYFF, March 05, 2009 13:45:40

Who is the father of the blown up unborn unfortunate child!

When you do not want to have any discriminating evident you destroy/obliterate everything. What is better than blowing up with C41 and destroying all the incriminating DNA!

The question is what was the necessity? They are of course many possibilities but the simplest is that the DNA could prove that Najib Razak is the father! Anyone knowing Najib would know well his untidy sexual habit of no condoms! And any woman is fair game! He sex them and it's their problems on the consequences!

As for Abdul Razak the game is not yet over. In fact if he has any senses he should go to ground or else he will face rendition! Who knows he may yet have his holiday in the Steppes!
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written by loosecannon, March 05, 2009 13:48:18

It is said that the devil comes in many forms. Could he be the devil incarnate?
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written by Navigator, March 05, 2009 14:01:38

If UMNO members, including Mahathir, still accept Najib as PM, it shows the character of all the men in UMNO. None of them has principles. Najib will be subject to constant blackmail. How can this party with no principles, except allegiance to money, be fit enough to rule Malaysia?

Najib will enforce emergency rule using his position in control of the army, police and judiciary if he is challenged. Thank you, Mahathir for what you have done for the country.
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written by tiatpoh, March 05, 2009 14:04:34

Hai.. mana pi saya punya "Death Note" punya Nota? cari tak jumpa.. nak tulis nama orang "TU"
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written by mob1900, March 05, 2009 14:10:19

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written by mob1900, March 05, 2009 14:24:09

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written by hakuna, March 05, 2009 14:51:40

A vivid declaration, I can feel the fear Altantuya went through throughout the whole period prior her death.

EVERYONE involved in this has to pay for this crime, sooner or later. Hope they really rot.
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written by DontPlayGod, March 05, 2009 15:12:20

Those special police personnel do not know Altantuya, nor have any dealings with her. These police personnel were ordered by their superiors to carry out definite orders. So it is just a simple matter to find out who these cops answer to. These cops would not have killed Altantuya on their own. They received orders to kill her. Why is it so difficult to figure out all this? As I've written before, only two people have known her and only these two people have the motive and could have given the orders to kill her. And both of these two chief suspects have the name Razak. If it is not one, then it is the other. Killing someone is not a small matter. It has definitely carried out under orders.
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written by miwaki, March 05, 2009 15:14:50

We need a French to solve the puzzle of Altantuya's murder.Mr Arnaud Dubus should be made the IGP of malaysia and Musa Hasan should be demoted to police constable station at the foot of Genting Highland.
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written by gogsard, March 05, 2009 15:34:27

The news is in Malaysiakini now .. I cant wait to see the after effects!
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written by Super Admin, March 05, 2009 15:43:58

French daily reveals details on how Altantuya was shot dead
Malaysiakini, Mar 5, 09 2:42pm

The final moments of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu before she was brutally killed in 2006 has been revealed in vivid details in a French newspaper today.

Journalist Arnaud Dubus, who traveled halfway across the world - from Kuala Lumpur to Ulan Bator, Mongolia and finally to Paris - for his investigation, unearthed a piece of documentary evidence exposing how Altantuya was allegedly killed.

The document - said to be obtained from a source in the Malaysian police - has not been revealed during the two-year-long murder trial of Altantuya.

According to a lawyer who was involved in the case, the document which is a caution statement made by an accused in the gristly murder, could not be admitted in court after the law was amended.

In his report which appeared in Liberation newspaper, Dubus wrote that the document revealed "dry and precise descriptions" on how Altantuya was killed.

Malaysiakini is unable to reproduce all the details of the document due to legal complications that could arise as a result of the on-going murder trial.

Last month, Shah Alam High Court judge Mohd Zaki Md Yasin set April 9 to deliver his decision on the fate Sirul Azhar Umar and Azilah Hadri - the two special action force police personnel accused of murdering Altantuya.

The police document obtained by Dubus detailed on how Altantuya, who was referred as ‘the Chinese woman' in the document, had begged for her life, and stated that she was pregnant, before she was shot.

It also mentioned that Altantuya was shot on the left side of her face, after which her clothes were removed from her body and put in a black plastic bag.

According to the document, Altantuya was shot another time when her hand was seen to be still moving.

Altantuya was subsequently carried into the woods where explosives were wrapped around her legs, her abdomen and her head before she was blown to pieces.

The document clearly identified Altantuya's killers and the respective roles they played.
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written by Super Admin, March 05, 2009 15:45:44

Three months of investigation

Dubus told Malaysiakini that he spent three months investigating the case.

"I spent two weeks in Kuala Lumpur, then went to Ulan Bator where I stayed one week. Then, in Paris in January where I spent 10 days," he said in an email interview.

In his Liberation report, which was written in French, Dubus wrote about Altantuya's relationship with political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda and the role she played in the purchase of French submarines by the Malaysian government.

"In March 2005, Altantuya and (Abdul Razak) Baginda departed for Europe, touring France, Germany, Italy and Portugal in the red Ferrari of Baginda, staying in posh hotels and dining in the finest restaurants of the old Continent.

"This trip, however, was not only for tourism: the contract for the sale of the submarines had been signed in 2002, but important details had yet to be settled," wrote Dubus.

"We knew that Baginda was used by Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak as an intermediary for weapons systems deals, especially the high level ones," a regional security affairs expert had told Dubus.

Dubus also quoted Altantuya's cousin as saying that Altantuya and Abdul Razak was in Paris in March 2005, where they met with Najib.

"A picture taken at the end of March 2005 shows the three in a Parisian private club," he wrote, disputing a denial by Najib that he had ever met Altantuya.

He said that the story "turned dramatic" when in October 2006 Altantuya was informed that the commission paid by the French-Spanish company Armaris - which sold three submarines to the Malaysian government for one billion euros - had arrived at a Kuala Lumpur bank account.

It was revealed that 114 million euro commission had been paid to Perimekar, a company owned by Abdul Razak.

"Altantuya rushed to Kuala Lumpur, in order to claim her share of the commission from Baginda; she said she was entitled to US$500,000.

"Baginda and Altantuya broke up prior to this. A jealous Rosmah Mansor, the feared businesswoman and wife of Najib, objected any payment to Altantuya.

"Altantuya arrived in Kuala Lumpur with two other Mongolian women, one of them was a shaman responsible for putting a spell on Baginda if he refused to pay.

"For several days, Altantuya harassed her ex-lover. On Oct 18, Baginda could no longer tolerate the daily scenes made by Altantuya in front of his house," wrote Dubus.

Subsequently, two police officers from the special unit tasked to provide protection to VIPs including Najib, were asked to "neutralise the Chinese woman."
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written by Super Admin, March 05, 2009 15:49:08

It wasn't a perfect crime

The case was not a perfect crime, said Dubus. Altantuya was kidnapped by the two police officers in front Abdul Razak's house.

"The taxi driver hired by Altantuya for the day did not appreciate that his passenger was kidnapped under his eyes without payment for the fare. He took note of the registration plate of the kidnapper's car and filed a complaint at the local police station.

The police were able to quickly identify the car.

Events unfolded that even the Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak could not impede. He tried to cover the case. A few hours before the arrest of Baginda, he sent him a SMS: ‘I will see the inspector general of police at 11am today... The problem will be solved. Be cool'.

"A few hours after, Baginda was arrested as well as the two police officers, Azilah and Sirul."

Abdul Razak was initially charged with conspiring in the killing of Altantuya but he was acquitted without being called to enter his defence.

Dubus said that the case is not only embarrassing to Najib, who is linked to the case, but also DCNS - the French military shipbuilding company which bought over Armaris in 2007.

The 45-year-old French journalist, who is based in Bangkok, has written several books on Southeast Asian history and politics, including a book on the military in Indonesia and Thailand.

According to him, his next book could be on the Altantuya case.
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written by PangurBan, March 05, 2009 15:52:15

OK, I've downloaded the pdf of today's daily edition of La Libération and the Altantuya story is there alright, on pp 30-31. Here's a screenshot of pg 30 as read off La Libération's website.
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written by PangurBan, March 05, 2009 15:55:55

Whoops, tak jadi. Here's another try:

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written by PangurBan, March 05, 2009 16:04:46

Bleah, I give up.
Anyway, the version that appeared on today's Libération
is substanstially the same as the English translation above. Text has been moved around a bit, a normal part of the editorial process. You can actually register on the website and get free access to the daily edition for a couple of months.
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written by PangurBan, March 05, 2009 16:44:35

The headline on page 30 of La Libération reads, right beneath the word "Malaysia":


This is followed by a subtitle:

"The murder of a Mongol interpreter, at the heart of a thriller serving a mix of arms sales, the jet set and power, could compromise the future strong man of the country."

The first paragraph reads:

"This is the story of a murder, read off a confidential report of the Malaysian police. That of Altantuya, a young Asian interpreter, caught in a shady arms deal between France and Malaysia. A murder which might implicate the man slated to become, at the end of March, the Prime Minister of Malaysia."

The text then goes straight to the fourth paragraph of the English version above at the following point: “When the Chinese woman saw that I was taking a gun . . ."

The rest of the article is substantially the same as the English translation above.
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written by joejoe, March 05, 2009 17:04:11


I am getting sick and tired of your ranting and raving. Do something productive, please. Whatever evidence you provide or statutory declaration you make will not be admissible in any trial in Malaysia, so whatever you write is just considered "barking", according to the AMNO goons.

Think about this. Even the President of Sudan was issued an international arrest warrant. He may not get arrested, but at least it was a fair trial.

Instead of ranting and raving, can you go sue somebody in France? For example, file a corruption motion against the submarine supplier. See what they can do to cover up the "commission" and who they paid. Eventually, the details will come out.
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written by joejoe, March 05, 2009 17:08:23

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written by bknight, March 05, 2009 17:11:49

"written by Navigator, March 05, 2009 14:01:38
If UMNO members, including Mahathir, still accept Najib as PM, it shows the character of all the men in UMNO. None of them has principles. Najib will be subject to constant blackmail. How can this party with no principles, except allegiance to money, be fit enough to rule Malaysia?

Najib will enforce emergency rule using his position in control of the army, police and judiciary if he is challenged. Thank you, Mahathir for what you have done for the country."

eh..last check he swop that portfolio with abdullah, some how i wonder there is a reason more than given to najib as a part of the transition methods..

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written by gogsard, March 05, 2009 17:19:44

This what I call Lois Lane reporting ..
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written by ez24get, March 05, 2009 17:27:05

>>>>This is the original cautioned statement that Sirul Azhar Omar made in the interrogation by the police on 19 November 2006 that confirms not only how and why Altantuya was killed but also that they were hired to kill her:
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written by ez24get, March 05, 2009 17:29:58

****This is the original cautioned statement that Sirul Azhar Omar made in the interrogation by the police on 19 November 2006 that confirms not only how and why Altantuya was killed but also that they were hired to kill her****

I'm confused why the caution statement was not accepted by the court because of a change in law.

Can some legal eagles explain why was the caution statement not accepted in court and what are the changes in law?
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written by Roseminah, March 05, 2009 17:37:35

The whole Barisan gomen and all its departments-police, judiciary, army and crooked MPs are so unmovable as a mountain. There is nothing rakyat can do, to bring down Najib and his gang. Each day you are ‘banging your head against wall’ which will not fall but your head will crack over time. With this in mind, I see you might as well let the world know everything first as you know the courts are DEAD and dead against you no matter what you do or say.

Malaysia is slowly falling into more and more mess with confusion and lack of law and order as there is no honesty in the leadership except murder, torture, national corruption and swindling by Barisan. Their obscenities have totally gone beyond repair.
All this chaos in Malaysia will reach a peak soon and I believe somethings will happen to break the impasse. Some unforeseen hands will move, hopefully to remove Najib and bring him to court. The chaos cannot go on like this.
They will not want to lose govt and will use every filthy means to hang on.

If nothing happens till then-Come on Najib, be the PM and taste the anger of rakyat who will, no doubt, suffer your punishments. But your days as PM will not last long.
It is terrible terrible terrible that no one in Malaysia has the guts to dismiss and arrest Najib for murder and swindling.
OH, OH, OH, OH………………………..How I wish the Agong can do just that.

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written by sueteh, March 05, 2009 17:59:20

I HATE you Najib, I HATE your wife, I HATE your generations. I HOPE your generation ends with your children also being exploded. You have no mercy now, and in a matter of time, no mercy shall be shown to you and your descendents, no more. The universal principal..WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND. I believe even those professes religions and faiths believe in this principal. You are the one that spit and disgraced your own religion and faith. You do not follow and practice what your Quran religion and faith says. You are the one that embarrass your own god(s).

As for the peoples, in the cyber world, we so full of this and that, if we are ask to show ourselves to stand out, how many percentage will do it?? Are we merely hiding behind the computer monitor typing away at the comfort of office (he!he!) or home or at Starbucks?? Are me and you going to be all talk and no action. Will we show up or we just physically absent but very alive in the cyberworld?

Yes, crucial time NOW call unto your religion and faith gods. Joejoe, do we have the money to sue those foreigners? Are you going to be the major fund provider?? Ms Tuya's daddy should have gone to the Hague Court (International Court) long time ago. Is Tuya's daddy naively believe in the justice system of Malaysia? How much has he spent on his travelling costs, has this affect his career and family badly, is it not stress out? Would you not stand up and fight for your children if there is great injustices??

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written by sueteh, March 05, 2009 18:09:50

Shiok Guy, that photo is kinda insulting to the Sarawakians, do you not think so?? Please remove your Pek Mo Sang Rambut Putih first. He is the ones that milking and transfering the Sarawakian wealth to Semenanjung of course, with him getting commissions A VERY BIG PIECE SLICE OF CAKE. I have not been to Sarawak but i heard Pek Mo house, fuyoh..
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written by Super Admin, March 05, 2009 18:27:53

joejoe, why must it be RPK who must always 'do something'? Why not some others so something for a change? You are the one who is ranting and raving. RPK has gone to jail enough times. Why do you want him to be the only one to take the risk and suffer?
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written by son of soil, March 05, 2009 18:32:40

Well fellow Malaysian we are famous again for all the wrong reason,but look at the bright side it will do wonders to our tourism sector.Our new tourism slogan will be "Come to Malaysia we will bomb the hell out of you"

What is our beloved country coming too.
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written by JohnQ, March 05, 2009 18:50:25

The biggest regret he had now is not parting away us500k then, too stingey or too afraid of Michelin Rose ? Or is too stupid ? hehehe

What is 5ook to him, anywhere ? DAMN Cunning idiot retarded !

Or the curse of Altantuya friend surfaced?

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written by KARMANNGHIA, March 05, 2009 19:06:26

1. At the end of March 2005 the couple was in Paris, where they met with Najib Razak. A picture shows the threesome in a Parisian private club.

2. the beautiful Tuya was also the occasional mistress of the deputy Prime minister, who was introduced to her by Baginda at the end of 2004.

======================================================= =====

I SWEAR i don't know her. , LIAR, NOW YOUR PANT'S ON FIRE.

Ms Altantuya, please come and collect them.

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written by Fuminari, March 05, 2009 19:52:19

if this is the truth,what's actually happening to umno be end???
they are willing to be lead by such a subhuman character tainted all over???
they must be very sick then,all of them.
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written by Sabahfan, March 05, 2009 20:27:40

Najib keep saying PKR perak a shame to malaysia...

welll... who cares about democracy tree?

It is C4 and altantuya that is the REAL FUKKING SHAME...

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written by Richy, March 05, 2009 20:46:30

oh my holy god, are we in for a PM who has this much of guilt and taint. I'm choked with shocks, I mean real shocks. And my fingers tremble causing me to continue typing erroneous words to post this tiny comments.
Fellow Malaysians, what are we going to do? We have the most dangerous moments awaiting in our lives. Attorney Chambers is a question mark, a court of law is a question mark, Police is hopeless, MACC full of bias, our sultans prefer to keep their silence; what is the future? I'm afraid to even imagine!
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written by Sutha, March 05, 2009 21:24:27

Altantuya's father, Mr Shaaribuu Setev can now track down Playboy Razak in the UK. Afterall, having the blood of Gengis and Kublai Khan, all Setev has to do wear his traditional clothes and weaponry, mount on the toughest of horses and head for the far land in search of the MURDERER. Setev must do justice for justice's sake.... otherwise that word would have no meaning.

When our prosecutor did not appeal against acquittal of the so-claimed "strategist" and "military adviser", we saw the clear picture of what was happening. It is time he got a taste of mongolian justice. Hope the BB (Bag-In-Da Bastar*) does not undergo the feeling of a father losing his beloved daughter.

Down here, we will take care of the Stinking Najis. DSAI will lead all fair thinking citizens to do that..... we have the trust and confidence. Just want to see that drama unfold on the ArmNo D-Day when the PM to be never gets to be one.

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written by Vincent, March 05, 2009 21:52:35





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written by justice6, March 05, 2009 22:22:03

maybe now our home minister will ISA Arnaud Dubus... maybe he will send his UTK to French... or worst still... French fries are BANNED..
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written by born2reign, March 05, 2009 22:29:27

Live by money, death by money.

Rosmah and Najis too cheapskate to pay RM500k in commission (to them it's like RM50 to ordinary Malaysians) and look how big a penalty they are paying and will continue to pay until they meet Altantuya face to face again. Sleep tight.
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written by A MI, March 05, 2009 22:52:20

DSAI was sent to jail on trumped-up charges.
Wish Sleepy has the courage to act on this.

Yo botak Al-blur..what story will you weave now to cover Najis's sorry ass.
Nazrimus-Knowitall, I am sure you will have your pearls of wisom on this!

To all those asking where's the proof that Rosie-porky was involved? Well, no PeeDeeArEM will pull the trigger unless there is an order. Think about it. Who gave the order?
Remember what RB's wife blurted out- why should my husband kill he is not the one who wants to become the PeeEm- or something this effect.
report abusedisagree 0agree 2...
written by A MI, March 05, 2009 22:54:42

wish Najis will do a zakaria an
report abusedisagree 0agree 1...
written by cruzeiro, March 05, 2009 23:06:13

What a beautiful job!
I wonder how Dubus got the paper of the interview

Anyway, since it was a foreign journalist publishing in foreign media, no "sub judice" involved here. Moreover, how is the perpetrator to claim "criminal defamation" in a foreign land when he knows no kangaroo there ...

Hope this guy pays for his murder .....
report abusedisagree 0agree 1...
written by ACENAZ, March 05, 2009 23:34:51


report abusedisagree 0agree 0...
written by chiongguo, March 05, 2009 23:39:33

Listen to the deadly silence of MCA, Gerakan, MIC etc.

The shameful manner that UMNO and gang had brought the country to unquestionable regional and international disrepute brought a tinge of sadness to all right thinking malaysians.

The deafening silence of MCA, Gerakan etc. on issues in perak and tuya's murder will be remembered for a very long time. We will not forget when the next election came round. This is not a threat. It is a fact.

report abusedisagree 0agree 4...
written by atan, March 06, 2009 00:25:52

The missing link to Najis and Big Mama is probably Tuya pregnancy
report abusedisagree 0agree 0...
written by temanmu, March 06, 2009 00:34:11

As usual, the lowest rank & file guys will bear the total blame for the murder... but who were the people pulling the strings?

The court of public opinion will decide ... and Najib is a gonner!

The European Commission will start an investigation and the scandal will be exposed.

Najib is pushed into a corner and will engineer a riot to enforce Emergency Rule.

But the rakyat on the ground is better informed and the spark will not turn into a fire!

The Emergency will then be upon himself!
report abusedisagree 0agree 1...
written by shiokguy, March 06, 2009 01:06:51

Say NO to Najib as PM for the future of our children

Have you guy sign the petition? I went to sign it just now and the total number of signature is only 2236.. Only 2236!!! Is this the best we can all do?

I belief we can do better, calling all blogger to carry the petition message and other to start the mailing chain going. We have less than 1 month before April Fool! And be proud to tell our next generation that we did try to stop NAJIB

Shiok Guy
report abusedisagree 0agree 1...
written by arnab76, March 06, 2009 01:31:20

I cannot wait to see part 2 of this.....Najis Najib please faster faster deny...Cannot wait to see part two.....faster faster deny
report abusedisagree 0agree 1...
written by montkiara, March 06, 2009 01:36:55

With all these allegations, how on earth Najis, can you sleep? Tell us your secret. What makes you go to sleep??? Coz we sure know that you cannot get away without sleeping after being 'awake' (and planning your next step) for 36 hours at stretch. Tel us. Tell us!!
report abusedisagree 0agree 0

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Re: DUN Perak : Nostalgia Pembukaan Melaka oleh ParameswaraWednesday, March 4, 2009 8:21 AM
From: "Saharudin Mohd Dan" Add sender to ContactsTo:, "yung azwaire" ,, "gang" <>,,,,,,,, "sharifah Nor" ... moreCc: "abd aziz tv3" , "abdul ghani khan ttgi22" , "afzal ttgi 20A" , "Arif Rosman" ,,, "azmi mas ttgi20A" , "badrulzaman ttgi20B" , "bahrin ttgi18" , "azlee anuar lee" , "capt zainal ttgi20" , "CTCS04" , "faizal nor ttgi21 <(>" , "hairol ttgi20" , "hashim" , "hishamuddin ttgi20" , "Kaharrudin Wahab" , "Kamarul - QLINK" , "kamarul" , "mansor sa ttgi19B" , "mior ttgi20" , "misbah ttgi22" , "mohd anuar ttgi21" , "mohd fairuz ttgi20" , "mohd najib ttgi20" , "muhd husin ttgi20" , "muhd zulhelmi ttgi22" , "nazreen ttgi20A" , "norhayati ttgi19" <>, "razif ttgi19" , "shahrilrizal ttgi19" , "ssaifuddin. kul ttgi20" , "sukor ttgi20A" , "wanbadli wan mamat ttgi22" , "yatie zainon ttgi19B" , "yatiemisbah ttgi26. 19" , "zaili ttgi18" , "zulkifli" , "zulkifli saad ttgi20B" , "Gengadaran, Wishnu" ... more

From: fairuz
To: yung azwaire ;; gang <>;;;;;;;;; sharifah Nor
Cc: abd aziz tv3 ; abdul ghani khan ttgi22 ; afzal ttgi 20A ; Arif Rosman ;;; azmi mas ttgi20A ; badrulzaman ttgi20B ; bahrin ttgi18 ; azlee anuar lee ; capt zainal ttgi20 ; CTCS04 ; "faizal nor ttgi21 (" ; hairol ttgi20 ; hashim ; hishamuddin ttgi20 ; Kaharrudin Wahab ; Kamarul - QLINK ; kamarul ; mansor sa ttgi19B ; mior ttgi20 ; misbah ttgi22 ; mohd anuar ttgi21 ; mohd fairuz ttgi20 ; mohd najib ttgi20 ; muhd husin ttgi20 ; muhd zulhelmi ttgi22 ; nazreen ttgi20A ; norhayati ttgi19 <>; razif ttgi19 ; shahrilrizal ttgi19 ; ssaifuddin. kul ttgi20 ; sukor ttgi20A ; wanbadli wan mamat ttgi22 ; yatie zainon ttgi19B ; yatiemisbah ttgi26. 19 ; zaili ttgi18 ; zulkifli ; zulkifli saad ttgi20B ; "Gengadaran, Wishnu"

mahli98@yahoo. com
Cc: abd aziz tv3 ; abdul ghani khan ttgi22 ; afzal ttgi 20A ; 'Arif Rosman' ; ARosman@CSAVagency- ; azmeera@selatanpk. ; azmi mas ttgi20A ; badrulzaman ttgi20B ; bahrin ttgi18 ; azlee anuar lee ; capt zainal ttgi20 ; 'CTCS04' ; fairuz ; faizal nor ttgi21 (faizalnor@tm. ; hairol ttgi20 ; hashim ; hishamuddin ttgi20 ; Kaharrudin Wahab ; 'Kamarul - QLINK' ; kamarul ; mansor sa ttgi19B ; mior ttgi20 ; misbah ttgi22 ; mohd anuar ttgi21 ; mohd fairuz ttgi20 ; mohd najib ttgi20 ; muhd husin ttgi20 ; muhd zulhelmi ttgi22 ; nazreen ttgi20A ; norhayati ttgi19 ; razif ttgi19 ; shahrilrizal ttgi19 ; ssaifuddin. kul ttgi20 ; sukor ttgi20A ; wanbadli wan mamat ttgi22 ; yatie zainon ttgi19B ; yatiemisbah ttgi26. 19 ; zaili ttgi18 ; 'zulkifli' ; zulkifli saad ttgi20B ;
azmeera@sacpkl.; azmizam@oelmy. com; Yung Azwaire; Badrul Bad; badrulzaman@; TTGI En.Din Jln 20; FaizalNor; misbah hassan; Muhammed GE Infra Aviation Husin; Dino Jln 18; hisham ttgi Jln 20; Siak Kaharuddin; Kamal Takaful; 'Abdul Ghani Khan'; TTGI Razif; Mohd anuar ttgi; Bahrin Ttgi18; Norhayati Ttgi19; shahrilrizal ttgi19; Mohd Najib ttgi20; Capt Zainal ttgi20; najib ttgi21; wanbadli; my;

Monday, March 2, 2009

SPA - Q List

Fw: Pelakon SPA - Q - azizah mahzan n zaefrul nordin...

Friday, February 20, 2009 12:21 AM
To:,, "aneem jai" , "gee gee bulat" , "heaizal phat36" , "kak ruby" , "tina tin" ,, "Firz" , "issya syamiey" , "maizrohayu ayu" , "Rosli Bin Abdul Sani" , "Nora Sakura" , "MONA SARAH" , "moon bulan" ,,, "Wan Mohd Fairuz Bin Mohd Ali" ,,
----- Mesej Dikirim Lanjut ----
Daripada: lailae lae <>
Kepada: erra farisya <>; faizal <>; farah salwani <>; gee <>; hanzi matrikulasi <>; jamal <>; mira jpnin <>; wana jpnin <>
Dihantar: Khamis, 19 Februari, 2009 10:41:02
Subjek: Fw: Pelakon SPA - Q - azizah mahzan n zaefrul nordin...
From: Siti Haida Senin
Subject: Fw: Pelakon SPA - Q - azizah mahzan n zaefrul nordin...
To:,,,, "Rozaimi Bin Hj Othman" <>
Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2009, 10:37 PM

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From: elsa fina <>
To: Siti Haida Senin
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 12:34:32 PM
Subject: Fw: Pelakon SPA - Q - azizah mahzan n zaefrul nordin...

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Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 10:21:14 AM
Subject: Pelakon SPA - Q - azizah mahzan n zaefrul nordin...

department of safety and health
meluat betui pic-pic ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........

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To: Maimon Zachariah ;; Nurul Ilya ;;; lyieza sulaiman ; Zurina Binti Mohd Noor ; Azimatun Mohamed Zamzamil
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 12:05:02 PM
Subject: FW: Pelakon SPA - Q - azizah mahzan n zaefrul nordin...

eli ar…